Maximize Cloud Visibility. Minimize Cloud Wastage.

Get the full picture of your AWS and GCP cloud resources to eliminate cost blind spots and enforce accountability effortlessly.

CloudYali AWS and GCP Cloud Cost Optimization

Used by the world's best companies

Contextual Visibility

Contextual visibility for swift decision making

You can only control what you measure. CloudYALI goes beyond basic cloud resource tracking, offering enriched contextual visibility that provides the full story behind each resource

Track complete lifecycle of cloud resources, responsible individuals, and reasons for changes

Identify clearly who owns and finances each resource to avoid orphaned assets

Pinpoint times of inefficiency and respond quickly to eliminate waste

Stop wasting time on manual checks—get the full picture in seconds
Just-In-Time (JIT) Access
Powerful Query Builder for deeper cost visibility
Enforce spending accountability

Empowering Responsible Cloud Spending Practices

Accountability in cloud spending is crucial for effective cloud cost management. By clearly tying resources to their owners, we foster responsible spending habits that benefit the entire organization.

Transparent ownership prevents unmanaged cloud resources

Cost allocation tracking for teams to take responsibility for costs

Clear audit trails for responsible spending

Accountability fosters efficiency—empower your team to manage cloud costs responsibly
Automation: Fix Issues Without Hassle

Fix Cloud Wastage and Overspending Without the Hassle

Focus on what matters while automation handles cloud inefficiencies. CloudYALI identifies and resolves issues automatically, saving you time and ensuring cost efficiency—all without the need for write access to your cloud

Detects and suggests fixes for inefficiencies without a write access to your cloud infrastructure

Automated fixes based on industry best practices, ensuring issues are resolved optimally

Maintain full control over what gets fixed and when with a customizable change management process

Spend less time firefighting cloud overspending —let AutoFIX do the heavy lifting
"AccessGuard has been a game-changer for our organization. It provides us with complete visibility into our cloud identities and helps us maintain access hygiene with Just-In-Time access. Our security posture has improved significantly."

John Doe

CTO, ABC Company